We've seen it all at Grease Busters, nothing can shock us anymore!
Have a look through some of our best and worst previous jobs.

Don’t replace it, just clean it! - blog 08

Don’t replace it, just clean it!

Ok, first you noticed that the kitchen was staying hot, and it wasn’t because of the head chef. Then you started to notice the stale, unpleasant smell of old grease permeating through your premises. You then cleaned the canopy (as best you could) and replaced the grease filters in that, but none of this has…

Top 5 questions to ask your duct cleaning company cleaning company - blog 07

Top 5 questions to ask your duct cleaning company cleaning company

You’ve just purchased an existing restaurant, cafe or takeaway business and a Health Department inspection has advised that your kitchen is needing attention before you can open your doors. What is needing to be done sounds like very expensive and very grubby work, and you know that you need to call a duct cleaning company…